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Brain Pokes


2021-11-28: Want to know the flood risk of your new home before buying? Before you put the downpayment on a home, pre-shop for insurance. Properties have water-risk zoning …

2021-08-14: Money comes and goes, but time only goes. #foodforthought #reflecting…

2021-08-14: What is something that you do that captures you, engages you, and makes you completely lose track of …

2021-08-14: At this very moment in your life, what is the ONE thing that is the most interesting to you? …

2021-07-29: 接受明报采访-关于房屋保险费率增高 Interview MingPao on rising Home Insurance Premiums Link to Article

2021-07-29: 接受明報採訪-关于龙卷风损坏和保险范围 Interview with MingPao regarding Barrie Torndado and Insurance Coverage. Link to …
